Thursday, June 11, 2009

message f0r u .

My Dear =D

dear . i feel so lucky to be with you .
tat time i break with my ex , i feel that im doin the right desicions .
he's not even a good guy . he's a plyboy .
n0t like u . your so perfect .really .
i so appreciate wht u gave me .
and thanks f0r dear give me de l0ving and caring .
i really l0ve u oh dear =]
dear . d0n w0rry so much okay ^^
i w0nt leavee u de dear .
we already 3 month's together lurr ^^
so happy de dear XD
hope our l0ve cn be everlasting xD
juz like other's couple .

well dear .
thanks dear today buy geh mineral water to me ^^
hehheeh =D
saturday when we go out .
turn i buy f0r dear ohh okay ! XD
hehe . * must drink ohh . if n0t i don choii dear oh . * haha

well .
till here n0ww ..


the picture AGaiN ! xD

im so happy to be with u .
dear . i l0ve u ...
wo aii niiiii ^^
i will always l0ve u no matter wht happends =]
dear .yr the most perfect b0y f0r ME =D
i l0vee uuu dear =p
i l0ve uu dear =D
juz me =D
my baby =D