tomorrow 2nd october .
is me & bryan
7 months together .
baby , thanks for everythin that u gave me .
and when i need you .. ur always there for me .
i love your warm kiss .
i love your warm hug .
i love u .
i love u .
i really do love you ,
althought anything happend between me & u ,
WE must together solve the problem
and must trust each other .
okay ?
i love you .
cnt wait to meet you morrow .
hope to get much hugssssss from you ?
hehe .. i love it bah . so warm =]
oh well ,
i need to continue my bm .
need to finish it by tomorrow .
ahhw ~
is me & bryan
7 months together .
baby , thanks for everythin that u gave me .
and when i need you .. ur always there for me .
i love your warm kiss .
i love your warm hug .
i love u .
i love u .
i really do love you ,
althought anything happend between me & u ,
WE must together solve the problem
and must trust each other .
okay ?
i love you .
cnt wait to meet you morrow .
hope to get much hugssssss from you ?
hehe .. i love it bah . so warm =]
oh well ,
i need to continue my bm .
need to finish it by tomorrow .
ahhw ~